The story goes that the gods made a lion that was so powerful his pelt was not able to be penetrated for the purpose of testing the strength of Hercules.
Eventually as legend goes the lion was slain, but the gods were so impressed with his courageousness that they gave him the name of Leo and placed him in the heavens among the stars.

Meaning of Leo Tattoos Are Generally Associated With The Zodiac Sign
Leo tattoos are representative of daring and courageous attributes. Those born under this sign are generally considered to be brave and outspoken, while also being extremely passionate and reserved when necessary. One of the main reasons for getting a Leo tattoo is being born under this particular zodiac sign.
The most popular design choice is the lion. The images are typically the male lion with a huge mane and can be accompanied by aspects of nature, as the ones from the wild are chosen most often.
Leo Tattoo Design Ideas: Lions And Glyphs
One of the most common Leo tattoos is the lion and the symbol that is associated with Leo - the upside down 'U'. It is often called Leo's Glyph. This is drawn with spirals that curl to the outside on each side of the 'U.' The curl on the left side of the 'U' is generally larger than the other curl.
This is often said to look like a lion's mane, but others believe it is representative of the heart. Another embellishment often seen around the design is the sun, since it is the planet that is associated with the astrological sign of Leo. There are often stars, flames and fireballs used in the design as well.
Leo is also a considered a 'fire sign' so this is the reason for including flames. The sun is sometimes used as a standalone design to symbolize Leo.

Personality Driven Leo Tattoo Idea
Part of the personality of a Leo is they are romantics and it is said they often wear their heart on their sleeve. Therefore, another Leo tattoo may be a heart, although this is much less common than the lion design itself.
The reasoning behind the heart is that since Leos are romantics, they live in the fifth house. The fifth house rules love, passion and pleasure.
Leo Tattoos Symbolize Bravery And Courageousness
Leo tattoos are generally placed on an area of the body where it can easily be seen. This is in keeping with the personality of Leo - bold, brave and outspoken.
Sometimes the Leo tattoo is chosen for reasons other than a birth sign. Since they represent bravery, people who have lived through a harrowing experience will sometimes get this tattoo as a symbol of their triumph and bravery.

The lion's mane is an important aspect of the design since it is believed that a large mane is directly linked to how brave or strong the lion is.
Whatever the reasoning behind the Leo tattoo, they are a beautiful choice and can be as detailed as the person desires. Colors associated with Leo tattoos are gold, yellow, marigold and ruby red.
The 'sardonyx' or ruby is the birthstone of individuals born under the zodiac sign of Leo.
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