Monday, February 6, 2012

The Design blog

The Design blog

Flex your chatter with flexible display cellphone concepts

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 04:58 AM PST

Deepon Mitra:

Flexible displays for cellphones are something that most of us have read about. However, we do not completely understand what they are. But who cares? They look really cool and straight out of a sci-fi movie. Flexible displays are slated to be used on those gadgets that people use on a daily basis, such as PDAs, cell phones, ebook readers, and so forth. They are also to be put on electronic gadgets used by the military. A flexible display means that the user can literally bend the device without the fear of breaking it. Here is a list of some of the most creative flexible display cellphone concepts that would let users flex their chatter in style.

Mindhalo headset reads brain to detect your devotion to work

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 04:46 AM PST

Rohit Ram Singh:

The Hong Kong Polytechnic and California based company NeuroSky have come up with a new brainwave reading technology. The device is called Mindhalo and can glow according to the wearer's mental focus level. The device is worn on the head like a headset and uses brainwave reading technology to sense the brain activity. The idea of the prototype has been taken from the pure white halo that changes color to blood red.

MINDHALO headset
MINDHALO headset

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MINDHALO headset
MINDHALO headset by Wan Chai

Mindhalo will help to study the mental dedication of a person towards certain task. To accomplish this it has a lamp and through it we can visualize the wearer’s state of focus in the real time scenario. Thinking about where this product would be used? There is no specific answer to this because this is not a mere gadget, rather an extension of human brain. So you will have to be creative and find out where you can really utilize this product.

There are no limits to what you could do with this brainwave technology, for instance it could be used during meditation and sleeping, to study the brainwave patterns. Scientists have used this technology to come up with Brainwave entertainment, which can be used for relaxation, meditation and inducing sleep. These devices would also play major role in development of bio sensors for gamers, athletes and patients. This could bring a breakthrough in Neuroscience.

MINDHALO headsetMINDHALO headset by Wan Chai

Source: Hovgaard Simonsen

Live-Top RV creates homely comfort wherever you go

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 04:42 AM PST

Asmita Prasad:

Every outdoorsy person loves a good RV but the major problem with most campers and trailers currently on offer in the market today is that none of them offer users a chance to interact with the surroundings as much. Since most RVs are designed to serve as a home on the road that can offer protection against the elements, they tend to ignore the fact that once parked, the RV is in fact a real home for a camper and should be able to offer the comfort of a cozy home while allowing users to enjoy the views around the campsite without feeling like they are sitting in the middle of nowhere. The Live-Top RV Concept by designer Danilo De Roberto presents itself as a novel recreational vehicle that allows users to make the best of both worlds.


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LIVE-TOP by Danilo De Roberto

The Live-Top RV Concept comes with a flexible roof that doubles up as a patio when the camper is parked. This protects the users from the elements and allows them to soak in the view of the surroundings even when the weather outside is less than conducive for traditional camping. The roof of the Live-Top RV Concept also comes with a lot of different multipurpose components that can be assembled and dissembled to provide a range of leisure and recreational activities. These components can be used to fashion picnic tables and chairs as well as additional places of rest when they are not being used as part of the patio set on the roof.

The roof of this RV is designed with a special perforated design that allows rainwater to be collected and harvested which can then be used to supply the RV with freshwater that can be used in the washrooms or filtered and used for cooking or drinking as well.

Bobble Brush Timer keeps track of your brushing time

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 04:40 AM PST

Jaspreet Kaur Walia:

Maintaining hygiene is very important for good health and our dental structure is a part of it. But, the most difficult thing is to remember the number of minutes spent to clean teeth. Are you one amongst those who finds it difficult to keep time while cleaning teeth every morning and evening? Fret no more, as Bobble Brush Timer is here to keep track of the time you spend cleaning teeth.

Bobble Brush Timer
Bobble Brush Timer

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Bobble Brush Timer
Bobble Brush Timer to keep time while you brush

The cute little equipment looks like a flower vase, with the top part missing. The product comes coated with a lot of style and won't consume a lot of space. It comes fitted with a mechanical timer and an alarm that keeps you well informed about the amount of time spent brushing teeth. The mechanical timer is preset to two minute and will help you achieve perfect dental hygiene.

Bobble Brush Timer has been made using plastic and rubber. The top part has been made from hard plastic, while the base has been crafted out of rubber. The use of rubber for the base gives it a good grip and makes sure the timer doesn't slither or fall from the surface it is placed on. The design of Bobble Brush Timer is very attention grabbing and most of the everyday, non electronic brushes can fit into it.

Cleaning the timer won't pose much of a trouble, as the top and mid sections of the design can be snapped apart for easy cleaning. It has a width and height of 2.5 inch and 2.4 inch, respectively. Bobble Brush Timer will be the perfect partner for your toothbrush and will win praises because of its functionality. So, place your toothbrush in the striking timer cum alarm as the Bobble Brush Timer helps you achieve perfect teeth cleaning.

Via: Quirky

Towering gateway with a five star hotel for Ras Al Khaimah

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 04:09 AM PST

Radhicka S Saxena:

The entrance to any statuesque and deluxe city should be grand and that is exactly what the tall tower proposed at Ras Al Khaimah will do. The towering high rise being planned at the entrance of this city will have a sleek design featuring straight lines and flowy curves. A jaw dropping effect is created when the sharp lines of the upright structure meet its undulating curves. The swirly shape of the building is inspired from the landscape in its vicinity, which comprises mainly of bowed desert dunes and mountains.

Gateway Skyscraper
Gateway Skyscraper

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Gateway Skyscraper
Gateway Skyscraper from Snøhetta

The building is not only a hallmark gateway but also a plush five star hotel. Its sprawling interiors will wow onlookers. There are lush gardens, soaring palm trees and long winding pools in here. It will not be difficult to find a shaded nook where you can kick back and relax. Residents can enjoy amazing and far reaching views of the surrounding terrain from this lofty tower. The exterior of the building will be swathed with ceramic panels sourced from Ras Al Khaimah ceramics, which is a very well known and reputed supplier of ceramic products.

Hailed as the gateway project for Ras Al Khaimah, the structure will come up at a distance of 150kms from Dubai. In the midst of the muggy desert, a 200m tall tower covering an extensive area of 270000 square meters will be erected. The construction contract has been accorded to the award winning architecture firm, Snøhetta. The extraordinary structure boasts of all the basic amenities like exhibition centers, conference halls and retail zones.

Via: Evolo

Orbit washing machine concept to remove greasy stains sans water

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 02:49 AM PST

Shallu Sharma:

More than 75 percent of the world's population is expected to live in urban areas by the end of 2050, which means increased struggle on roads, for vehicles, for gadgets as well as for living space. The tech world around us is going compact and so are our homes, so to cope up with this compactness it becomes obligatory to reduce the shape and size of household electronics too. The Orbit washing machine concept by Electrolux offers a new way to wash clothes silently without using soap or water, and that too in just few minutes. This spherical machine, which clears all stains with ease, would definitely bring a revolution in domestic laundry.

Orbit Washing Machine
Orbit Washing Machine

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Orbit Washing Machine
Orbit is a self sufficient and noiseless washing machine

Its working is as easy as it seems. You can carry the spherical drum along and put your dirty clothes inside it and then place the drum inside the ring of so called Orbit washing machine. The machine is capable of producing its own energy as its ring comes equipped with huge hidden batteries. The induction technology enables reloading of the batteries by the energy produced by the drum while working. The impact of constant electric current stream and liquid nitrogen's superconductivity occurrence produces magnetic levitation, which makes the drum rise and hover in the air. At this very point, the drum behaves like an electromagnet that could be controlled by electrical impulses.

The drum's internal working to remove stains from clothes is equally interesting. It performs cryogenic cleaning with a jet firing solid carbon dioxide at supersonic velocity, which removes dirt and stains without harming clothes. Once the clothes are clean, carbon dioxide is sucked back into the tube and again transformed into solid form from gaseous form. The discharge of negative ions freshens up the air as well as the clothes. It is durable enough with two layers of shatterproof heat insulated glass covering. No doubt, this concept of cloth washing can break ground in the world of domestic laundry and would surely make you say "Never fear, the sphere is here."

Super smart earphones switch channels when worn in wrong ear

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 02:42 AM PST

Asmita Prasad:

Way back when earphones were first introduced, the general public was made to believe that their lives were going to be simplified forever and listening to music would be as simple as plugging the phones into the Walkman and pressing the play button. But like most things in life, this too was too good to be true and people who paid good bucks for the portable cassette player and pricey headphones soon discovered that they were stuck with one critical problem forever that was if you put the earphones meant for the left ear in the right ear, the sound of the music came out just plain wrong.

Self-aware headphones switch channels
Self-aware headphones switch channels

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Self-aware headphones switch channels
Self-aware headphones switch channels

Though the music and earphone making industry has progressed much since, but the problem of earphones and wrong channels still remains. The good news for music aficionados, however, is that the Science and Technology Agency based in Japan has now created a set of earphones that are smart enough to detect which ear they are placed in and can change channels automatically to deliver the best music experience to the customer.

Each earphone in the Universal Earphones Project is fitted with a unique proximity sensor which is capable of discerning which ear it's about to be popped into. By sensing what ear it's going into, the smart earphone automatically switches the channel to deliver the best quality music to your ears.

And that's not all. The Universal Earphones Project also found a novel solution to the problem of earphones not performing optimally when you share your earphones with a friend and its super smart sensors even recognize when they are being fitted into two ears that belong to different people and automatically converts the sound into a mono mix to both earphone speaker so you don't miss out on the beats that your friend gets.

Self-aware headphones switch channelsSelf-aware headphones switch channels

Via: Engadget

Wordcloud watch uses E-ink to display the word cloud of current time

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 02:41 AM PST

Jaspreet Kaur Walia:

Cory from United States is fetching heavy inspiration from cloud computing. The designer has come up with an amazing watch, named Wordcloud, which is a true example of the influence of internet culture in the modern day world. Wordcloud will be perfect for the tech savvy generation that cannot imagine a single day without being connected to the web.

Wordcloud watch uses creative typography
Wordcloud watch uses creative typography

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Wordcloud watch uses creative typography
Wordcloud watch by Cory

As the name suggests, the cool watch uses E-ink and displays the time/date in a word cloud way, which manages to arrest instant attention. Wordcloud watch generates attractive patterns that form a beautiful display. The arrangement will keep changing, thanks to the various patterns created by the world cloud software. It is light in weight and comes draped in simplicity. The design further gets accentuated by the presence of a semi gloss polyurethane strap. Hours and minutes are exhibited in an exceptional way, which gives it the essence of cloud computing. Lower case hyphenated words or phrases (like quarter till and half past) depict the minutes, while caps words are used to display the hour.

The wristwatch puts on show a ten minute time segment. The largest cloud present on the watch denotes the current time and is very easy to read. Apart from this, there are smaller clouds present which symbolize five minutes into the future and four minutes in the past. If you get bored staring at the same font day after day, then connect the watch with the help of a USB and upload new fonts. This endows a user with the flexibility to savor a range of cloud combinations. Wordcloud watch comes with a long battery life and is definitely unique.

Via: Tokyoflash

Urban Bike makes your ride more secure and sustainable on city roads

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 02:39 AM PST

Jaspreet Kaur Walia:

Pedro Lopez has designed the Urban Bike, which as the name suggests, will blend perfectly with the city environment. The cool looking bike will bow down to all the requirements of a city dweller and connect well with its users. It will ensure a pollution free ride as you move around the city in style.

Urban Bike design
Urban Bike design

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Urban Bike design
Urban Bike design by Pedro López

The complex frame of the Urban Bike has been crafted from carbon finer material, including the fork and the handlebars. The most attention grabbing trait of this eco friendly ride is that it will kill all fears of the attached elements getting stolen. This has been achieved by wedging elements into the frame of the design. The designer has cleverly made the frame along with the lights and the mudguards. These elements are a part of the frame and have not been wedged separately on the frame. Such a placement will give the bike added security, which is a must in cities packed with people.

The ultra cool creation will be compatible with electronic devices as well. An iPhone hollow has been created in the handlebar, which has been fitted to the front hub dynamo. This will not only juice up the elegant iPhone, but also gives energy to the lights in the design. So, charge your gadget on the go and make sure it never has a dwindling battery. Urban Bike has a very simple yet attractive outline. It won't consume much space in the parking lot and also keep the environment away from the clutches of pollution. So, lock all the fears of losing your bike elements and ride on city roads with utmost panache.

Sustainable ‘Square Off' toy to assist visually impaired children

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 02:37 AM PST

Anamika Gupta:

Although all children enjoy playing with toys, getting the right toys for visually impaired children is a challenge as the regular markets do not generally cater to their needs. Usually, visually impaired children face problem in gelling up with other children of their age and toys could prove a great help in overcoming their fear and shyness. New York based industrial designer Kevin Helm has designed a significant toy as a part of a group project, to assist such children. Dubbed as Square Off, this unique toy has been crafted keeping in mind various developmental factors of visually challenged kids.

SQUARE OFF - a toy for visually impaired children
SQUARE OFF - a toy for visually impaired children

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SQUARE OFF - a toy for visually impaired children
SQUARE OFF - a toy for visually impaired children

It is a wonderfully designed game with interesting textures, diverse scents and sounds that make it more fascinating. It is basically designed for children between 4 to 6 years if age. Kevin along with his group has designed each and every part and theme of the game with utter care, making it user friendly as well as eco friendly.

Kevin’s Square off is a socially interactive game that allows four to five children engage and concentrate in the game. The main theme is to match the tactile wooden blocks to the corresponding holes in the box, wherein a musical song is played to signal the successful completion. The game helps children to improve their concentration and makes them socially active and responsible. It is safe and easy to use so that child could play it all alone without constant watch out. It proves beneficial in eliminating their loneliness for a while and generates healthy social relations.

The main aim of this project was to develop motor skills, proper coordination and self awareness among children. It not only motivates a child to explore his environment in a healthier way but also encourages a responsible play.

Via: Kevinhelmdesign

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